From paying off your student loans to looking far into the future with retirement options, Establishment classes and events give you a chance to dive in to the topics that matter most. So, for just one night, go back to school—no homework or final exam required.
Classes offered at the Establishment
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A Guide to Retirement Planning
Retirement planning. One of the most yawn-worthy topics around—but not at The Establishment. While retirement may be more than 30 years away, we can help you walk the fine line between paying for today and planning for your future.
see all class datesCreating a Budget
You’d never set out on a cross-country road trip without consulting a map. Likewise, you can’t expect to reach your financial goals without a plan. Together we will break down the budget writing process and learn how to create a strategy for spending and saving.
see all class datesNavigating Your Career Path
Finding the career you want to pursue can be a daunting task. There are so many options and it doesn’t end there. You have your resumé to perfect, an interview to nail, and a salary to negotiate. Where do you start?
see all class datesPersonal Finance Fundamentals
Ready to take control of your money? Learn to manage it better by gaining a better understanding of how the fundamentals of personal finance work together to lay the groundwork of a solid financial foundation.
see all class datesUnderstanding Craft Beer and Financial Plans
Learn about some locally brewed craft beers, learn the fundamentals of tasting techniques and understand why a financial plan can be crucial in mapping out your financial future.
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